Anna Esposito received her “Laurea” Degree summa cum laude from Salerno University with a thesis on Neural Networks (Complex System, 6(6), 507-517, 1992). She received the PhD degree in Applied Mathematics and Computer Science from Naples University “Federico II”, with a PhD thesis developed at MIT, RLE Lab (Boston, USA) on mathematical models of speech production (Phonetica, 59(4), 197-231, 2002).
Anna has been postdoc at the International Institute for Advanced Scientific Studies, and Assistant Professor at Dept of Physics, Salerno University, where she has taught courses on Laboratory of Cybernetics, Neural Networks, and Speech Processing (1996-2000). From Nov 2000 to Nov 2002, she had a research professor position at Wright State University, Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, OH, USA. Anna has been Associate professor (from 2003 to 2019) and currently is full professor in Cybernetics, Artificial Intelligence and Multimodal Communication at Università della Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli”, Department of Psychology, where she teaches course on Fundamentals of AI and Neural Networks, Cognitive and Algorithmic Issues of Multimodal Communication, Cognitive Economy and Decision Making. She is the head of the Behaving Cognitive Systems laboratory (BeCogSys,, the president of the Italian Society on Neural Networks (SIREN), and the Chair of the IAPR Conferences & Meetings Committee,
During the last five years the lab participated/is participating to the H2020 projects: a) Empathic, and b) Menhir, , the Italian projects: c) SIROBOTICS,, d) ANDROIDS,, and SALICE: Socially-Aware Learning through Interactions in Crowded Environments, and the Erasmus project G-Guidance:
Anna is member of the European Science Foundations (ESF) and the EU networks Cognition. She authored 300+ peer reviewed publications and edited/co-edited 32+ international books.
Dr. Spyros Vosinakis is an Associate Professor at the Department of Product and Systems Design Engineering, University of the Aegean, Greece, with the subject ‘Virtual Reality’. His research interests include interactive 3D environments, virtual and augmented reality, serious games, educational technology, and digital heritage. He has published one book and over 100 scientific papers in journals, conference proceedings, and book chapters. He has participated as a researcher in 16 funded R&D projects (seven as a scientific coordinator), and he has over 20 years of experience as a lead developer of interactive systems and 3D applications for companies and research projects. Since 2019 he is the head of the Interactive Systems Design Laboratory of the University of the Aegean.