Aim and topics

SMAP 2024 aims to address several issues of semantic and social multimedia technologies and their use in content creation, media adaptation and user profiling.

Topics of interest include but are not limited to:

    • Content creation, annotation and modeling for semantic and social web
    • Computational intelligence for media adaptation and personalization
    • Semantics-driven indexing and retrieval of multimedia contents
    • User modeling and dynamic profiling
    • Ontologies and reasoning
    • Multimedia standards
    • Semantics-based recommender systems: theory and applications
    • Recommender systems for mobile users
    • Web adaptation methods and techniques
    • Hybrid social and semantic approaches to profiling, recommendation engines or adaptation systems
    • Social multimedia applications (livecasting, audio-video sharing)
    • Social multimedia tagging and multimedia content communities
    • User-generated content mechanisms
    • Privacy/Security issues in Social and Personalized Media Applications
    • Privacy preserving data mining and social networks
    • Content customization and adaptation
    • Semantic context modeling and extraction
    • Context-aware multimedia applications
    • Adaptive and personalized multimedia summaries
    • Multilingual content navigation
    • Intelligent personalized interfaces
    • Social and semantic media collaboration platforms (e.g. semantic wikis)
    • Social web economics and business
    • Social network aggregation
    • Social data analytics
    • Social data mining
    • Adaptive/Personalized conversational media

Submission Guidelines

  1. Review manuscripts should describe original work and should be no more than 8 pages in the IEEE double column proceedings format including tables, figures and references. Note that accepted papers up to 6 pages will be published with no additional charge. Exceeding pages will be charged an additional fee. Only registered and presented papers will be published in the workshop proceedings. Please use the IEEE template as described here.
  2. The use of artificial intelligence (AI)–generated text in an article shall be disclosed in the acknowledgements section of any paper submitted to SMAP 2024. The sections of the paper that use AI-generated text shall have a citation to the AI system used to generate the text. Please check the “Guidance for IEEE Publications Regarding AI-Generated Text”.
  3. All papers for SMAP 2024 should be submitted via EasyChair.


All accepted papers will be included in the SMAP 2024 Proceedings and will be indexed by IEEE Xplore. The SMAP Proceedings have always been indexed by dblp and Scopus. This makes the SMAP workshop one of the publication venues with very high visibility and impact over the last 18 years.

Extended versions of selected papers will be invited to a Special Issue of the MDPI Computers international journal (Impact Factor: 2.8), indexed among others by dblp, Scopus, Web of Science, Google Scholar, on a special, APC-fully waived (zero (0) euros APC fee) submission status.

Important dates

  • Submission of full papers: September 30, 2024 (ultimate extension)
  • Notification of acceptance: October 10, 2024
  • Submission of camera ready: October 20, 2024
  • Hybrid/Online Workshop: November 21-22, 2024